• Opening hours : Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00


Renaissance of Democracy

Renaissance of Democracy

As promised, I would like to add some thoughts for your holiday regarding improving the democratic process. I hear a lot around me that people agree with me that the current state structure has come to a standstill. We have rambled on for too long in democratizing and have hit the wall. I'll keep it short, it's almost vacation after all.

Update Tripolis Insight BV
22-07-2022 Tripolis 0

Update Tripolis Insight BV

In the Tripost of May last, we announced that Tripolis Insight BV had been established. We indicated that as little as possible will change for our customers, the following points will all remain the same as you are used to from us:

Plan to shorten the 3-year term of the gift exemption for owner-occupied home
22-07-2022 Barbara 0

Plan to shorten the 3-year term of the gift exemption for owner-occupied home

The contours of the approach to phase out this gift exemption for own home of € 106,671 are slowly but surely crystallizing. In the Tripost of April 2022 we already reported on the abolition of this so-called 'jubelton'. In 2023, the exemption will be reduced to the amount of the increased exemption for one calendar year for gifts from parents to their children that are not subject to spending conditions (in 2022: € 27,231).



As an entrepreneur, do you regularly travel abroad and do you perhaps think, like many colleagues, that this falls under your private continuous travel insurance? Well, no, unfortunately. The private policy only offers cover for recreational trips, so not for business purposes.

Accountants: workload is increasing due to objections
22-07-2022 Tripolis 0

Accountants: workload is increasing due to objections

Accountants believe that the "exceptional" workload already experienced will increase significantly later this year. For example, like many other sectors, the accountants have a shortage of staff and are busy processing statements about the corona support measures, and they also expect many objections later this year. That is what the Royal Dutch Association of Accountants (NBA) says.

Gejaagd wild: groot aandeelhouders en vermogenden

Gejaagd wild: groot aandeelhouders en vermogenden

Ik heb de eigenaardige gewoonte om ’s avonds voor het slapen gaan nog wat rond te zappen in actualiteitenprogramma’s. Wel met een glas wijn nabij, dat verzacht de pijn. Als je dan stuit op een Kamerdebat met mijnheer Paternotte op het spreekgestoelte dan is de nachtmerrie nabij.