• Opening hours : Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00




As a young employee in the National Audit Office, I got to know colleagues from the FIOD as they moved into our building for an investigation. I remember piles of files and months, sometimes years, of investigations. The alternation between paperwork and interrogations was very important. Findings from both sources were compared, and the results of those comparisons in turn gave rise to further and more focused interrogation.

Entrepreneurial Inspiration
19-04-2024 Jenny 0

Entrepreneurial Inspiration

On April 4, together with my colleague Rob, I attended ABN Amro's intermediary event at the beautiful location of Chateau St. Gerlach. A great time to speak to colleagues in the area and strengthen contacts with the bank. Invited as guest speakers on this day were Pierre Boels of Boels Rental and Camille Oostwegel sr of Oostwegel Collection. Both highly successful Limburg entrepreneurs.

Why have a (life) will?
19-04-2024 Kerstin 0

Why have a (life) will?

It is sometimes thought that a living will is not necessary when you are at a younger age. Unfortunately, there are plenty of examples of young people ending up in a coma as a result of an accident. A coma may be temporary, but it doesn't have to be. And then, who is going to make decisions for you on a private and business level? Who will make decisions about your medical situation?

Introducing... Frank Frijns
19-04-2024 Frank 0

Introducing... Frank Frijns

Mijn naam is Frank Frijns, ben 55 jaar, geboren in Cadier en Keer en woonachtig in Amby, een wijk van Maastricht. Ik ben getrouwd en heb een dochter van 25 jaar en een zoon van 21 jaar. Na tien jaar in de accountancy gewerkt te hebben voor voornamelijk mkb bedrijven ben ik in dienst getreden, eerst als hoofd administratie en daarna als financieel directeur, bij IDB.

Short news
19-04-2024 Tripolis 0

Short news

• Dutch economy expected to grow 0.3% in 2024 and 1% in 2025 (Autumn estimate DNB);
• German economy: expected growth 2024 0.2%;
• Gas and electricity prices fall slightly in 2024;
• Unemployment at the end of February 2024 3.6% (371,000);

Expensive general secretary

Expensive general secretary

Imagine that the French government has a mega-mission to give away and one of the candidate companies for that mission is of French origin. Other contenders come from the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany. How likely do you think it is that the contract will be awarded to the French candidate?

Family mortgage: smart wealth transfer for entrepreneurs
22-03-2024 Barbara 0

Family mortgage: smart wealth transfer for entrepreneurs

As a business owner, you are constantly looking for tax-efficient ways to manage your assets and transfer them to the next generation. An interesting tool that deserves attention in this process is the family mortgage. This financial product not only offers benefits for the transfer of wealth within the family, but can also provide significant tax advantages.