• Opening hours : Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00


Tax authorities visiting

Tax authorities visiting

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend a reunion drink at the National Audit Office, where my career once began. That was also immediately the best time I experienced. Tax officials do not sufficiently realise the protected status they have. With law in hand, they roam the country, St Nicholas would say. But they don't play Santa Claus.

Takeover of administration portfolio
28-11-2024 Tripolis Insight 0

Takeover of administration portfolio

You may have already read it on our LinkedIn page, but we are proud to announce that as of 1 December we are taking over a nice group of relations from the administration portfolio of Fiducia in Mechelen. A great step forward, of which we are very proud.

Court lowers tax interest rate to 4%
28-11-2024 Tripolis 0

Court lowers tax interest rate to 4%

On 7 November 2024, Groningen District Court ruled that the 8% tax interest rate on corporate income tax violates the principle of proportionality and should therefore be reduced to 4%. At the time, this lower rate applied to other taxes such as income tax.
Source: KPMG

Tax rules for (foreign) investment funds
28-11-2024 Tripolis 0

Tax rules for (foreign) investment funds

Investment funds generate returns from income (such as dividends or interest) and price gains or losses. Under corporate income tax (Vpb), income is taxed upon receipt, while price gains are only taxed upon realisation (sale). For losses, a foreseeable loss may be taken into account earlier. This system is called valuation at historical cost or lower value.

Source: Hanneke Kroonenberg, Van Lanschot Kempen

Short news
28-11-2024 Tripolis 0

Short news

Dutch economy expected to grow 0.6% in 2024 and 1.5% in 2025 (Budget Day)
Third quarter growth of 0.8%
German economy: 0.2% growth in Q3 2024, yet contraction expected for full year
Gas and electricity prices to stabilise in 2024
Unemployment at end-October 2024 3.7% (376,000)

KMW Group over de kracht van Tripolis Insight
30-10-2024 Tripolis Insight 0

KMW Group over de kracht van Tripolis Insight

In de wereld van specialistisch laswerk neemt KMW Group een unieke positie in. Wat begon als een klein bedrijf, is inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een gewaardeerde partner voor bedrijven in o.a. de petrochemische en voedingsmiddelenindustrie. Glen Krijgsman, directeur van KMW Group, vertelt meer over zijn visie op ondernemerschap, de groei van zijn bedrijf en de rol van Tripolis Insight.

Herziening Box 3: ontvang jij compensatie van de Belastingdienst?
25-10-2024 Tripolis 0

Herziening Box 3: ontvang jij compensatie van de Belastingdienst?

Vanaf 15 oktober 2024 kan er een brief van de Belastingdienst op je deurmat vallen. In totaal worden er maar liefst 2,6 miljoen brieven verstuurd naar Nederlanders die in aanmerking komen voor compensatie van te veel betaalde belasting in Box 3. Deze brief gaat over het aanvullende rechtsherstel waar je mogelijk recht op hebt. Meer weten over wat deze veranderingen voor jou betekenen en of je in aanmerking komt voor compensatie? Lees dan verder.