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Self-employed and Disability: How to prepare?

Self-employed and Disability: How to prepare?

Our colleague Klaartje informed us about disability insurance during the professional meeting. Every self-employed person can become disabled. If that happens, you are not guaranteed income, because as a self-employed person you are not entitled to WIA or other benefits.

You will have to use your own reserves immediately or else apply for assistance. Sometimes it is not necessary to take out disability insurance (AOV). Ask yourself if you can and want to maintain your current lifestyle if your income drops. Can you miss (part of) your income? Do you have sufficient equity available if you become disabled?

A bread fund can be a temporary solution, but it has its limitations. No health certificate is required, but the deposit is not tax deductible and the maximum donation is EUR 2,500 per month for up to two years.

A mandatory AOV is likely to be introduced from 2027. This will offer a maximum benefit of EUR 1,950 per month, with an excess period of 1 year and a premium of 8% of income, tax deductible. The Tax Office collects the premium and the UWV provides the benefits and examinations.

Categories : Tripost


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